Monthly Membership Options:
Individual: $40.00 Dual: $60.00 / 2 adults or 1 adult & 1 child Family: $75.00 / 2 adults & household children aged 8-17 Extended Family: +$20.00 / add additional adults - restrictions apply |
Specialty Pricing:
Student: $25.00 / individual high school or college students. no joining fee Public Safety: 20% off / police, fire, active military, EMT Prepay: pay your year in advance and receive 12 months for the price of 10 Group Classes Only (punchcard): $60 - 12 classes. no key access. |
Additional Fees:
activation fee / $20.00 replacement key fobs / $10.00 unreturned key fobs / $15.00 maintenance fee / varies
Other Services by Appointment:
trigger point therapy myofascial release nutritional education & guidance goal identification & setting equipment education
The Fine Print:
Student Membership: under 18 parental consent required / prefer parent to attend membership set up
Youth Policies: children 8-13 are welcome to use the equipment with direct adult supervision / children 14-17 are welcome unsupervised / no children under the age of 8 allowed on the fitness floor unless approved by management
Guest Policies: guests permitted with adult members only / $5 per day / minors are not allowed guests without pre-approval
Maintenance Fee: members found damaging or abusing the facility will incur fines
Student Membership: under 18 parental consent required / prefer parent to attend membership set up
Youth Policies: children 8-13 are welcome to use the equipment with direct adult supervision / children 14-17 are welcome unsupervised / no children under the age of 8 allowed on the fitness floor unless approved by management
Guest Policies: guests permitted with adult members only / $5 per day / minors are not allowed guests without pre-approval
Maintenance Fee: members found damaging or abusing the facility will incur fines
Did you know we work with insurances to cover memberships? Reach out for more information & to see if you qualify!
Payment Partnerships with: